Men’s Netball NSW Survey 2017

In order to improve, we must commit to a constant process of review and analysis. One of the most productive ways to do this is to listen to your views on a broad range of issues. We believe that the time is right to undertake the important step of asking you, through this survey how well we, Men’s Netball NSW are performing.

This survey will provide us with baseline data from which we can implement appropriate strategies and plans to improve what we do and how we do it. Since this survey is online, we will be able to obtain speedy and comprehensive analysis of the data.

Thank you for taking time to participate in our survey. We truly value the information you have provided. By participating in this survey, you made your voice heard and are helping shape the future of our organisation.

Results of the survey will be published in a later update and any actions your Committee take as a result will be communicated via the website.

The link to complete the survey is:

Men’s Netball Survey 2017