A Chat with Jenny Barsby – U/23’s Coach

This is Jenny’s second year coaching at the National Championship level having experienced it for the first time in 2016 with the Mixed Reserve Team. In 2017, with the U/23’s Team Jenny is looking forward to a fantastic year with a very talented team.

How would you best describe your coaching style?

I would say it is quite structured

Describe your team with ONE word – and explain why?

Loud. Why? Because they all love to talk so they compete to be the loudest most of the time.

What are your teams strengths?

Probably their ability to keep going regardless of the score or what is going on around them. They won’t give up.

What has your Nationals experience been like in the past – and what are you expecting in 2017?

2016 was not a great start to my Mens nationals experience. Many factors arose which dampened it. In 2017 I am expecting an amazing time with a good bunch of people. To learn and grow as a coach.

What team building activities do you use?

Varies from simply having to work together and challenge each other with simple games to a team BBQ in a relaxed environment.

What will a typical day at Nationals look like?

Up, breakfast – and depending on game time a team walk and stretch. Court time, team chat, warm up game. Eat, rest, warm up play. Cool down ice bath or pool – dinner, then team chat and bed.


What is the best piece of advice you can give any NSW squad player?

Listen to everything given to you. Take the bits you need. Learn, grow and most importantly enjoy and embrace the experience because it doesn’t come to everybody.