2017 Championships – Day 4 Wrap Up

Today’s matches proved the strength of the NSW squad from our youngest and least experienced continuing their unbeaten run, through to the Men’s Open side defeating last years winners, QLD in a tightly contest and physical match. There is no doubt that our sport is continuing to grow in leaps and bounds and our junior development program and coaching team are starting to pay dividends.

By far, the win against QLD by our Men’s Open team gives them added confidence coming into the pointy end of the competition and they are playing with a belief that can see them go all the way.  Their ability to stay cool under pressure as QLD came back at them in the last quarter was great to see.  Sure there are things to work on – but we can’t wait to see the rest of the week unfold and their structured and disciplined play continue.

Day 4 results:

19/04/2017 Mens Opens
Day 4 NSW vs QLD 65-61
NSW vs WA 52-40
Mixed Open
NSW vs SA 66-41
NSW vs QLD 41-57
Mens Reserves
NSW vs ACT 41-35
NSW vs VIC 2 43-55
Mixed Reserve
NSW vs ACT 44-28
NSW vs ADF 57-39
Under 23’s
NSW vs QLD 35-50
NSW vs VIC 33-54
Under 20’s
NSW vs NZ 39-53
NSW vs VIC Dev 73-28
Under 17’s
NSW vs QLD 56-36