Mens Netball NSW players welcomed the opportunity to showcase their skills at which was the Sutherland Netball Association yesterday .
Following an invitation from this Association based in Sydney’s south, 6 NSW players joined forces with individual players from the Sutherland association, to play in a demonstration game during their annual Gala Day.
As the Sutherland players had never actually played a game of netball before, a “practice” game enabled the players to take on board the rules of netball with them all showing a natural ability and affinity for the game. With their natural athleticism, and obviously having played other sports, it was great to see their sporting skills transfer across into their first ever game of netball.
All games at the Gala Day were stopped for the Mens Netball demonstration match which was played with much enthusiasm by both teams. A large crowd appreciated the skills of the NSW players and those of the Sutherland players who were playing for the first time and the support for Mens Netball was undeniable.
We would like to thank Sutherland Netball Association for the invitation to play and look forward to seeing some of their players in our M League and Junior M League competitions.
A big thanks to the NSW players that played and also came and supported and spread the word about M League and Mens Netball.